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Timetable for all bus connections from Burgas to Kiten
- Kiten with "M-BUS" OOD show detailed timetable
Detailed timetable
Burgas - Kiten with "M-BUS" OOD at 07:00 hScheduled on:
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun
- BurgasBusstation "South", bul. Bulair, next to the railway station
- Marinka
- Novo Panicharevo
- Yasna Polyana
- Primorsko
- KitenBus station "Kiten", ulitsa "Strandzha", 11
- Lozenets
- Tsarevo
Departure: 07:00 h
Arrival: 08:00 h
Duration: 1:00
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun
Burgas - Marinka - Novo Panicharevo - Yasna Polyana - Primorsko - Kiten - Lozenets - Tsarevo
62 €
- Kiten with "M-BUS" OOD show detailed timetable
Detailed timetable
Burgas - Kiten with "M-BUS" OOD at 07:30 hScheduled on:
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun
- BurgasBusstation "South", bul. Bulair, next to the railway station
- Veselie
- Yasna Polyana
- Primorsko
- KitenBus station "Kiten", ulitsa "Strandzha", 11
Departure: 07:30 h
Arrival: 08:40 h
Duration: 1:10
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun
Burgas - Veselie - Yasna Polyana - Primorsko - Kiten
62 €
- Kiten with Union-Ivkoni show detailed timetable
Detailed timetable
Burgas - Kiten with Union-Ivkoni at 19:10 hScheduled on:
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun
- Sofia
- Stara Zagora
- Nova Zagora
- Sliven
- BurgasBusstation "South", bul. Bulair, next to the railway station
- Chernomorets
- Sozopol
- Primorsko
- KitenBus station "Kiten", ulitsa "Strandzha", 11
- Lozenets
- Tsarevo
- Varvara
- Ahtopol
Departure: 19:10 h
Arrival: 20:31 h
Duration: 1:21
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun
Sofia - Stara Zagora - Nova Zagora - Sliven - Burgas - Chernomorets - Sozopol - Primorsko - Kiten - Lozenets - Tsarevo - Varvara - Ahtopol
11 €