Discover beautiful Plovdiv
8.18 €
All buses from and to Plovdiv - buy your bus ticket online!
Bus Companies
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun
18 €
City Tour
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun
46 €
Bus stops in Plovdiv
- Bus station "Rodopi"Address: ulitsa "Macedonia" 1
Phone: +359 87 86 55 979, +359 87 93 56 249 - Bus station "North"Address: ulitsa "Dimitar Stambolov" 2
Phone: +359 32 95 30 11 - Bus station "South"Address: bul. "Hristo Botev" 47
Phone: +359 32 62 69 37, +359 32 63 29 02, +359 32 63 11 37 - Central Railway StationAddress: bulevard "Hristo Botev" 46
- restaurant "Happy" / Shell gas stationAddress: Highway "Trakia" / A1 /E80 Restaurant
- Мебелна къщаAddress: бул. "Асенвградско шосе" 1
- ВСИ / Аграрен УниверситетAddress: ул. "Менделеев" 31
- In front of Busstation "North"Address: "Pobeda" str. in front of the busstation
- Plovdiv Central Bus Station SouthAddress: Bul. Kristo Botew 47
- pl. "Aleksander Malinov"Address: ul. "Tsar Ivan Shishman" ul. Maragidik