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Timetable for all bus connections from Gurkovo to Burgas
- Burgas with "M-BUS" OOD show detailed timetable
Detailed timetable
Gurkovo - Burgas with "M-BUS" OOD at 15:21 hScheduled on:
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun
- Veliko Tarnovo
- Kilifarevo
- Voneshta voda
- GurkovoGurkovo, - unknown -, 0
- Sliven
- Venets
- Karnobat
- Aytos
- BurgasBusstation "West", ulitsa "Maritsa", 2
Departure: 15:21 h
Arrival: 17:50 h
Duration: 2:29
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun
Veliko Tarnovo - Kilifarevo - Voneshta voda - Gurkovo - Sliven - Venets - Karnobat - Aytos - Burgas
76 €